Each member or team commits to donating $100 per meeting ($400 per year).
The donations will be given to Maricopa County area charities serving our local communities.
Members who wish to submit a charity for consideration must complete a Charitable Organization Fact Sheet and be ready to make a five minute presentation at the meeting to the members about the charity. Three charity submissions will be randomly drawn at the meeting. The presenters will then make their five minute presentations followed by a brief Q&A.
Only Members who have signed a Membership/Commitment Form and are current on their contributions may submit a charity for consideration.
Only Members who are current in their contributions and present at the meeting are eligible to vote at the meeting.
Even if your choice does not win, all Members are responsible for writing a check to the winning charity.
In the case of a tie, we will randomly pick one of the names out of a hat.
All checks will be made out to the chosen organization. If you are unable to attend, you can give your blank check to a member to deliver on your behalf, or send your check made payable to the chosen charity to: Michelle Miller, 4226 N. 62nd Place, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. Members who submit their check within two weeks of the meeting will be considered current.
The benefitting organization must agree to NOT use the donors’ names for future solicitations or give donor information out to the public. The organization is encouraged to send a representative to the next meeting to explain to the Membership how the funds have been used.